About Scrib!

    Hello there! I'm Scrib, I'm an egg! Thanks for visiting my corner of the internet!

    I am primarily a game builder for fun! I think up all manner of cool worlds in my head, art wasn't enough, so building them was the next best thing! If you wanna check out my worlds check the Games folder on the homepage! I enjoy building games, but it required a lot of investment, a lot of work and time to learn. I learned to code yonks ago when I was a small egg. So I know a fair few languages, just, not well. I know C# best as I'm using it regularly to make my games! Html is fun but when we start getting into stuff like PHP, Python and Javascript you begin to lose me! I know a bit of SQL from my Database management work in the past. I've also dabbled in hex editing but nothing major, it was quite difficult to figure out!

    Prefer to be friendly towards anyone. Hostility never solved anything so its never my go to. "We have to be kind, especially when we don't know what's going on". Its a confusing and cruel world out there, a bit of kindness goes a long way.

    I enjoy playing games as well as making them! A handful that I particularly like are: #21: The world, Excellent Game, Jet Set Radio, AntonBall Deluxe, HypnoSpace Outlaw, Pizza Tower, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Crash Team Racing and Dynomite!

    I'm a big fan of many music genres, a snippet of some of the bands/artists I'm into; King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Jack Stauber, Com Truise, Madness, Gorillaz, MGMT, Tame Impala, Nelward, death's dynamic shroud, Windows 96, 45Grave, Horror Vacui, Freddie Dredd, Jurassic 5, The Waterboys, Aztec Camera, The Kinks, Sabaton, Metalica, Lemon Demon, Penelope Scott, Jun Togawa and Casiopea.... To name a few!

    Scrib-Dev is currently -




    If you can believe it, there is stuff here! A few things I enjoyed while on surfing journeys.

    Blinkies for stuff I like!

    Need to collect more tbh!

    Some Stamps!

    Buttons? Not quite

    Check out CrabTrap Hobag! >

He cook?

    I'm also a big fan of cooking!

    I cook everything from Pork Rice Bowl, to Mac n' Cheese, to a really nice Stroganoff!

    My approach to cooking is similar to my code, I see what works, learn from it and eventually I end up with a delicious recipe of my own! Check some of what I've made below!

